Edmonton FAQ

Looking for information on where to stay or eat in Edmonton? Read on!

Hotel Recommendations

You really can't go wrong with the options for Edmonton Hotels. We recommend choosing a downtown location - Edmonton is big, and so options elsewhere (such as West Edmonton Mall) are going to be very far away from us, and the venues! Here are some recommendations - 

Chateau Lacombe

It might be an older building - but it's lovely inside, we stayed here on our first house hunting trip to Edmonton, and had a view room overlooking the river valley. Gorgeous views for sure!

Coast Edmonton Plaza

A modern, clean option right downtown.

Downtown Restaurant Recommendations

It'll be patio season downtown, so we recommend these spots!

Drunken Ox Sober Cat
A super cool cocktail spot, with an outdoor patio

Rocky Mountain Icehouse
A local bar for chill evening drinks

Seoul Fried Chicken
Big portions, reasonable prices, hot chicken!

Smoke BBQ
A restaurant bar with amazing BBQ eats! Great pulled pork.

Whyte Avenue is also a great destination, a young shopping and restaurant area, a short trip from downtown. Keep an eye out for The Mash pizzeria, Meat BBQ, El Cortez Mexican, and many more options!